(855) 578-2725
Frequently Asked Questions
(855) 578-2725Book Now
5 Star Salt Caves Wellness Center|722 S Pearl St, Denver, CO 80209|(855) 578-2725

Frequently Asked Questions


All of our services are intended to give a sense of relaxation and overall well-being. For a list of the specific benefits of each service, please check the details on our Services page:

  • Salt Cave Sessions (halotherapy)
  • Massage Therapy
  • Infrared Sauna
  • Ionic Foot Baths

What To Bring

If you want to have some water with you in the salt cave, please bring a water bottle that closes. Only water in closed bottles is allowed. No other drink or food is allowed in the cave (as a spill will potentially melt or ruin the salt on the floor). We do provide high-quality drinking water, but we do not have bottles available for our guests. Otherwise, everything you need to enjoy your spa services is provided. We ask people not to bring food; and for most services, we ask you to turn your cell phones off.

What To Wear

Salt Cave: Regular, comfortable clothes (temperature is around 70 degrees Fahrenheit; blankets are provided). You will need to take your shoes off to enter the cave. There is granular salt on the floor. We suggest wearing white or light gray socks, as they show the least signs of salt dust after the session and also keep the salt cleanest.

Ionic Foot Bath: Regular, comfortable clothes. You will remove your shoes and socks for the foot bath. Your feet are in water up to about your ankles.

Infrared Sauna: Our saunas are in private rooms, which include a small changing area and the sauna cabin itself. Only you (or your group) will be in the room together, and you will get dressed again before entering a public space. We suggest dressing down to your comfort before entering the cabin. You can simply wear the fresh towels that we provide, or bring a swimming suit if you prefer.


Gratuity is not included in the cost of your spa treatment but is greatly appreciated by your therapist or spa associate. If you enjoyed your treatment, feel free to leave a gratuity based on the value of the treatment received. Gratuity envelopes are provided at the reception desk, or you may add gratuity to your credit card payment if desired. We believe that a gratuity is a gesture of gratitude for excellent service and is entirely up to our guests.


Please keep our cancellation policy in mind. It applies to both cancellations and late changes. For most services, there is a 50 percent late cancellation/change fee, starting 48 hours before the start of your service(s); if canceling less than 24 hours before your service (or in case of a no-show), the full price of the service is due. In rare cases, if we can re-book your service on short notice, we may be able to reduce or waive a portion of these fees.

Kids and Minors

  • Salt Cave: For regular, public salt cave sessions, the age limit is 16 years. These sessions require silence and allow no use of personal electronic equipment, so these are not appropriate for younger children. However, for private salt cave sessions (limited to your group only), children of any age are welcome.
  • Massages: We require parental consent for any minors. For children under age 16, we require the parent to be present in the massage room during the entire treatment.

Our Service Philosophy

Complementary treatments focus not only on the objective and measurable effects of treatments (symptoms, etc.) but also the subjective experience of the customer (sense of well-being, safety, comfort, feeling of aliveness, self-respect, etc.)

Therefore, in addition to the treatments themselves, we have a focus on the total environment of the experience. We call it 5-Star Consciousness: Abundance, Beauty, Care, Precision and Calm in every aspect of the business (customer relations, communications, systems, look & feel of the spa, products, etc.)

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